Minggu, 21 Februari 2021

Writing for IELTS Exercise 4.0 - Global English - Kampung Inggris Pare

 More wild animals on the verge of extinction and others are on endangered list

The ecosystem is getting unbalanced these days, either from natural factors or even human factors. By the reason of those various factors, ecosystem’s dwellers such as wild animals are on the verge of extinction. Numbers of actions can be done to overcome these problems either reconditioning the natural environment or making a new environment for victims. 

The incremental number of devastation of the forest such as deliberate bush fire or deforestation that is aimed to open a new era of palm cultivation or industrial interest is getting wider from time to time. They totally don’t care about what will happen to animals or the balance of the natural environment. Those people who open new areas that are supposed to be places for wild animals’ life keep on what they want because of some factors. One of them is untight regulation, by bribing the local government or several institutions they will get license to open new areas but it is actually illegal according to our main regulation. That makes animals in the forest turn into homeless and sometimes lack food, thus they go to the dwelling area nearest to the forest. 

Moreover, climate change has a considerable effect on the ecosystem. Climate change is a condition when the season comes irregularly, increasing temperature significantly, intaking UV rays into the earth, or even acid rain. Those factors affect the natural environment a lot. When the rain becomes uncertain, the plants cannot grow well, moreover the acid rain will harm all kinds of plants. Because of those terrible accidents, foods provided by nature for wild animals are going to disappear immediately. 

This kind of disaster either natural or not will still increase if there is no action to climate change can be slowed down by managing the industrial sector with appropriate rules. For them who violate the regulation can be taken into jail, or can be fined with a considerable amount of money and also restrict their industrial license. In the short-term, we can put those animals into the zoo or such a conservation area to make them more relaxed after bad things happen to their habitation. In long-term solution, reforestation is the best way which can return their natural dwelling, and also make our nature balance again. 

Plentiful factors affect wild animals' inhabitation not only human but also natural factors. It makes wild animals lose their dwelling and get wilder by attacking human inhabitation. There are some ways to solve this problem and reforestation is one of the ways to solve it. 

Jumat, 19 Februari 2021

Writing for IELTS Exercise 3.0 - Global English - Kampung Inggris Pare

 Many elderly people no longer looked after by their family but are put in care homes or nursing homes

    Nowadays, people are getting busy with their own business, either school or working. Sometimes they lack caring about things at home, and also the ones at home, elderly people, either parents or grandparents. Looking after them needs more time at home and also must have particular skills. Despite some difficulties, putting elderly people to nursing homes gives favourable leverages for all. 


    Living in a nursing home is extremely expensive, especially for high-quality facilities provided. Nursing homes are actually full of regulations or full of regular activities which all members need to obey. For some people it is kind of like living in a cage, and they do not feel free like at home. The big nightmare stories that we have already heard from others are about their abuse to others, neglect their patients, and also mistreatment. Relying on a patient's condition, living in a nursing home may make them feel like living in isolation, or increase a sense of loneliness, moreover a sense of abandonment by their own family. 


    On the other hand, facilities provided by nursing homes are more complete and cover the needs of elderly people. The good environment in nursing homes like same-age people will encourage them to socialize well. Well-skilled nurses and other staff support their lives, or we can have a 24-hours service. In case of emergency accidents nursing homes well-equipped with a lot of sophisticated facilities may be able to be their first aid. And the personnels of nursing homes are well-educated for knowing about how to react appropriately in case of emergency. 


    Because of the reason for rush family activities and their limited time, nursing homes give many offers which cover all elberly people's needs.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2021

Writing for IELTS Exercise 2.0 - Global English - Kampung Inggris Pare

Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interaction today

    The development of smartphones is getting more and more advanced significantly. By the existence of smartphones, it helps people to interact and also socialize with other people. Therefore, I believe that there is no disruptive social interaction as it has different meaning in today’s society.

    Plenty of inventions are found recently concerning features and applications in the interest of enhancing communication activity. They ease us since we don't need to go out of our house and just sit in our coach enjoying our leisure time. Those things are provided by smartphones and we can use them as a substitute for traditional interaction which oblige us to do face-to-face meetings and so on. It needs a longer time if we compare it to online interaction through smartphones one of well-known applications that enhance interaction is instagram. It provides lots of features which support more interaction such as commenting on others' pictures, chatting through direct messages, replying to their stories, and we can even make a video call.

    in contrast, many children are using smartphones when they do not have enough age yet. Moreover, they prefer to play games that have less interaction with other people, it makes them more apathetic and individualistic as well. The prevention of this situation is giving guidance from their parents, such as giving limited time when using smartphones, giving advice about how to use it wisely, giving punishment if their children violate the rules which are made by their parents.

    Smartphones make people closer by interaction with each other. The involvement of parents is needed to prevent misusing smartphones by children

Selasa, 16 Februari 2021

Writing for IELTS Exercise 1.0 - Global English - Kampung Inggris Pare

Some people believe that educational success depends on good teacher,

While others believe that student’s attitudes are more important

    Being the most outstanding person either in a school or in a university is everyone’s dream. Students have to compete with each other in order to be the best among others. Indeed, the influence of teachers gives plenty of leverages. However, student’s attitudes still have impacts on their future achievement.

    Teacher is the one who drives students and partakes in the student’s educational success. Lots of teachers have already graduated from prestigious universities, and it will be in a line with not only their teaching methods but also their capabilities. Therefore, even though teaching methods, attitudes, and also their personality must be different with others, the way they deliver the materials in the class is one of the key factors. Then, about the vibes in the class either full of pressures or full of happiness. Full of laughter class gives a positive vibe and definitely makes good conditions. Those factors determine knowledge acceptance rate to the students and must affect the student’s grade.

    Nevertheless, the factors of the students itself have plenty of leverage to student’s educational success. Students have more authority to determine whether they want to be clever or not, that is reflected on their motivation and willingness. If they want to be successful in their education, they should put much effort into it. But, if they are lazy or even do not respect their teachers, it will influence their cleverness. Moreover, if they are always leaving the class, frequently coming late, being a bad student, always bothering their friends, how good their teacher is, will not bring them into educational success whenever it is.

    Actually, teachers have big influences on their students on making them successful. However, by those reasons above manners are a major factor that affect their achievement or grade which they need to emphasize.